Young Leader Training Missions - Mission 3
To take the section’s programme ideas to a programme planning meeting.

To Be Included


Using Your Training

- Ask the young people in the section for ideas for the programme
- Attendance and contribution at a meeting (eg programme planning, District or County meeting, leaders’ meeting)
- Attend a section planning meeting
- Plan and run a meeting (for example, section planning forum)
- Decide who should attend a meeting and invite them
- Organise and run a forum for the young people in your section, taking their ideas and suggestions and giving them to the Section Leader
- Organising for someone to take notes/minutes/points of action
- Plan and run the Sixers/PLs’ Forums for two terms, and ensure that the young people in the section understand how they can input their ideas into the section programme
- Any other ideas, subject to agreement with ESL (YL) and SL
Things to think about:
- What is your role in the meeting? (Module G and H)
- How are you going to ask the young people for their ideas? (Module I and E)
- How are you going to feed back the information? (Module I)
- The logistics of the meeting: is the proposed date/location convenient for the majority of people? (Module G and H)
To be discussed with either ESL (YL), SL
- What have I done?
- Why did I do it?
- What did I want to achieve?
- What did the section members get from it?
- What did I learn from it?
- What would I do differently next time?
- How do I feel about it now?