Young Leaders - Information for Other Sections

This is a broad overview of the Young Leaders' Scheme. It will help you as a Sectional Leader to understand the concepts behind the Scheme and its benefits for you and your Section.

What is the Young Leaders' Scheme?

The Young Leader scheme is an ongoing programme of training, designed to enable Young Leaders to work effectively in the Section that they choose.

Module A - Safeguarding

Module A which is safeguarding MUST be completed before a young person takes part as a young leader, regardless if they are an Explorer Young Leader or a DofE Young Leader. This is a compulsory module as specified in POR. Module A trainings are held regularly at both of our explorer locations.

Who can take part in the scheme?

Explorer Scouts aged between 14 to 18 years can become Young Leaders. They can help in the Beaver Scout, Cub Scout, and Scout Sections. Young Leaders are still Explorer Scouts and are encouraged to take part in the Balanced Programme provided by their District. They are also members of the District Young Leaders Unit.

Young Leaders and their old Troop

This is fine, but we recommend that Young Leaders should not return to the Troop until at least six months have passed since their departure. This will allow the older Scouts to get used to their new roles in the Troop, and ensure that the Young Leader does not simply consider themself to be an older Scout but understands they are now part of the Leadership team.

Should you support the scheme?

Young Leaders partake in a voluntary training scheme comprising a number of modules and project work. Examples of these include Programme Planning and First Aid. All Explorer Scouts are awarded Certificates of Achievement for participation in a Balanced Programme (like the Joining-in Award). They may also gain this certificate for their involvement in special projects, which may include being a Young Leader in a Section.

As a Sectional Leader you may be asked to sign off various elements of Awards that the young person is working towards or provide evidence for qualifications, such as NVQ's.

Your responsibility as a Section Leader

While a Young Leader is working in a Section, the Section Leader is responsible for their safety and welfare. The Section Leader however must ensure that the Young Leader becomes a real part of the Leadership team and is given real responsibility.

If the Young Leader takes part in any residential or adventurous activities you should always obtain their parent or carer's permission. Consideration should also be given to the sleeping arrangements, as the Young Leader is not permitted to share accommodation with either the adult Leaders or the young people in the Section in which they work.

Remember, with the right support and opportunities, Young Leaders can be a valuable part of the Leadership team. They can help provide better Scouting for more young People.


As part of the Young Leaders' Scheme there are four Missions to be completed alongside the 10 Modules. These Missions are designed to allow the Young leaders to put the learning from the Modules into practice. By doing so, they will gain in confidence and become an integral part of the leadership team within their Section and Group.

Contact Us

If you have any questions in regards to young leaders, placement, training dates, modules or missions then please get in touch with the link below.

Contact Young Leaders