Chain of Command
From Unit level through to County

ESL - Chris / Natasha / Alex

DESC - Sam Ireland

DC - Sue Duffill

CC - Jackie Brocklehurst
The Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader) is the Section Leader for an Explorer Scout (Young Leader) Unit. They are responsible for developing and ensuring quality training and supervision of Young Leaders within the District. This includes ensuring that this provision is open to all Explorer Scouts in the District.
This may be done with the help of Assistant Leaders, Section Assistants and members of Scout Active Support as appropriate. Some of the tasks for which the Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader) is responsible may be delegated to others in the Unit, including Assistant Leaders and Section Assistants.
Responsible to: District Explorer Scout Commissioner (DESC)The District Explorer Scout Commissioner is the Manager of the Explorer Scout Section. They are responsible for its effective operation of the developing of quality Explorer Scouting in the District in accordance with the Purpose, Principles and Policies of The Scout Association. This may be with the help of District Explorer Scout Administrators, District Explorer Scout Leaders and Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leaders) as appropriate. Some of the tasks for which the Explorer Scout Leader is responsible may be delegated to others in the District, including Explorer Scout Leaders, Assistant Explorer Scout Leaders and Section Assistants.
Responsible to: District Commissioner
To manage and support the Scout District to ensure it runs effectively and that Scouting within the District develops in accordance with the rules and policies of The Scout Association so that that the District provides good quality Scouting for young people and proactively supports and manages adults in the District.
Responsible to: County/Area/Regional Commissioner (or deputy if appropriate).
To manage and support the Scout County to ensure it runs effectively and that Scouting within the County develops in accordance with the rules and policies of The Scout Association so that that the County provides good quality Scouting for young people and proactively supports and manages adults in the County.
Responsible to: Regional Commissioner