Camp Rules

Camp Rules and Expectations

All camps are by invitation only - in accepting the invitation you are accepting these rules.
When you are at a camp you are representing the Burton District hence we expect a helpful attitude, excellent behaviour and respect for others.

Travel to and Arrival at Camp

In your Explorer shirt or blouse and Explorer necker.

Provision of Tents

We will normally provide tents and will not allow Explorers to camp in their own. We will specifically inform you if you may bring your own tent.

Taking Wet Tents Home after Camp

If the tents are wet when packing all Explorers will be asked to volunteer to take a tent home to dry, or part of a tent for larger tents. If there are no volunteers the Leaders will choose the Explorers - failure to comply willingly will be deemed as contravention of these rules.
Tents must be returned dry, packed and complete.

Sleeping Arrangements

Sleeping arrangements are solely at the discretion of the Burton Explorer Leaders in attendance at a camp, even if the camp is organised by the County or other wider group. The rules are:

  • At least 3 in shared, single sex tents, for safety and safeguarding reasons.
  • Single or double occupied tents allowed only when there is no practical alternative.
    a) Only one or two girls/boys on a camp, so unavoidable;
    b) Sleeping as a Young Leader with a younger section, such as Cubs (you must not share a tent with the younger section);
  • Other reasons by exception, solely at the discretion of the Leaders.

Two “pods” under a large flysheet are usually considered separate tents, but at Leaders’ discretion.
Exceptions may be required on DofE camps and allowed only if consent is provided from all parents.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones and similar electronic devices are not permitted (except on DofE & expedition camps).


Failure to follow the rules or live up to expectations will result in you not being invited to the next two camps.
At Leaders’ discretion this may exclude camps that you need to attend, e.g. for Young Leader Module training. If you are a Young Leader we will advise the Group you support who may withhold a camp invitation.

3 Strikes Rule

Within explorers we operate a fair 3 Strikes Rule. This by recording a strike after bad behaviour, braking the Code of Conduct or not upholding to the Camp Rules. Once you have reached 3 strikes you will be asked to leave explorers.

When you receive a strike you will be told with multiple leaders present and also will be in front of other explorers. An email will also be sent to both explorer and parents/guardians. Depending on what the incident is if we deem more that one strike is appropriate then more that one may be given. If the incident warrants 3 strikes they will be asked to leave on the spot and OSM contacts will be called and a meeting will be arranged to discuss future membership in Burton Explorers

This does not stop you joining a different explorer unit outside of Burton. However please note that if you are on District or County Event or International trip you will lose your place. County events work on a "District Allocations" so your place will be replaced by another member within the district. This will also surrender any fundraising you have done towards the event.

Please see our Code of Conduct which also applies on Camp

Code of Conduct